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PhD positions at IPP - Application
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Please fill out this form. Then click on "Definitely submit application" to submit your application.
Click on Login if you have already set up your profile.
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are required.
Personal data
Other (gender-free)
Academic title
First name
Last name
for example +49 89 123456
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User settings
Submitting an application creates a user profile. User settings can be changed in the created user profile at any time.
Email address/login
The email address entered here will be used as the correspondence email and as login.
The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain special characters, numbers, upper and lower case letters.
User language
German / Deutsch
Please note that only applications with a CV and letter of application can be considered. Please upload your documents as PDF files 10MB at most.
Cover letter
Maximum 50 MB
Other documents
Maximum 50 MB
Questions for PhD Candidates
The following questions support your PhD application. Please take your time to answer them with as much detail as possible.
Research Experience
Please provide a description of your previous research activities (implication, aim and your contribution) and list publications, if applicable.
Research Interests
Please provide a detailed description of your research interests.
Please describe your motivation for applying at the International Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics (HEPP).
Language proficiency
Please list your languages (including your proficiency level), starting with your mother tongue.
Please name two referees who have agreed to be contacted or to write a letter of recommendation upon request by HEPP. It is not neccessary to submit the recommendation letters with the application
Relationship with our company
I am currently employed at the Max Planck Society.
Data release
Data release
I consent to my data being stored for a period of one year beyond the filling of a specific vacancy, and to being advised of any interesting job offers.
I would like my personal data to be deleted once the current application procedure has been completed in accordance with the data protection declaration.
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